Thursday, February 20, 2014

WTH Weather?!

Well, it has been a weather roller coaster here in Virginia!
Last week, this is what my commute home looked like:
Don't worry, I was stopped - Saftey first!
And this week the temperatures have been in the 60's!! I feel like this is just a tease though and it is going to get cold again and then I am going to be so sad. Today is in the 50s and that makes me sad already haha.
So a recap of the the last week or so because my schedule has been nuts and I slacked on posting. I am thinking I need to create some generic blog posts in my spare time (haha, spare time, what a concept) so I can still post when I don't have time to write out my every thought.
Last week was singles awareness day Valentine's Day, as I am sure you are all aware of. So instead of spending a romantic night with my non-existent boyfriend, I decided to hit the gym and be healthy. The teacher of the bodyflow class even brought us roses! So nice! I did end up getting a frosty from Wendy's later that night with my other single friend while we watched He's Just Not That Into You. Very appropriate for our feelings.

Over the weekend I went to Sam's club with one of my friends who has a membership and while I was there, discovered the most amazing treat EVER! It is greek frozen yogurt. Um, YUM. It tasted fantastic and it is relatively guilt free, because, greek yogurt is a super food. Duh. I definitely suggest checking it out. Another treat I got this weekend was a Jetty Junior from Tropical Smoothie...not so healthy, but my friend was in town from Richmond, so we did a crossfit style workout (because she is a crossfit expert!) and I thought I was going to die afterwards so she bought me a smoothie haha...the perks of a crossfit death!

Yesterday was so beautiful so I had a ton of energy so I hit the gym for a great workout followed by a healthy dinner. My workout consisted of:

5 minute bike (high intensity)
40 lunges (10 regular, 10 angled, each side)
20 plank walks
50 mt. climbers
Repeat 3x

5 minutes on the rowing machine
and then my leg exercises (leg dips, front step ups, side step ups, backward step ups)

My dinner was homemade chicken noodle soup (which was okay, my seasoning wasn't strong enough I don't think) and a small salad. All-in-all I felt pretty accomplished!

 Today is going to be long. I have to work all day, and then all night, so I dragged myself out of bed this morning to get in 30 minutes of cardio. Needless to say it is not yet 9am and I am already in need of a nap. It is time for a BIG cup of green tea!


Monday, February 10, 2014

Photo Challenge Fail

I don't know if you have noticed, but I haven't been doing great with this photo challenge. I just get so wrapped up in my day that I forget to take a photo. So the photos below May not have been taken on that actual day, but are still applicable to the day's topic.

Before we get to the photo challenge, here is a weekend recap:

Friday night was spent lounging at my parent's house. Saturday morning I met my friend at the gym and we had an unintentionally hard workout. We started with 5 minutes on the bike, followed by 40 sit-up things ( I don't know what these devil move's are called, but you lay on your back, knees bent out so that the bottoms of your feet are together, then sit up to touch your toes), 5 minute bike, 40 devil sit-ups, 5 minute bike, 40 devil sit-ups. Then 2 minutes of the rowing machine (which was way harder than I thought it would be) and 3 rounds of 12 rep dead lifts with a kettle bell. Just when we thought we were ready to wrap up, one of the trainers came by and gave us another set of exercises to do. Normally, that would be just fine and dandy, but I was already exhausted! After the gym was apartment hunting, then straight to work. Sunday was a rest day (20 minutes of easy yoga) because I was SO sore. I'm not kidding, I had a hard time standing up straight because my core hurt. Sad and pathetic, I know. What is even more pathetic? Me sitting in bed tonight, Monday, with a heating pad on my stomach because I'm STILL sore. I did make it to the gym for cardio though...see, here is proof!

I also had an AMAZING lunch. I made chicken tacos in the crockpot (2 chicken breasts, a can of rotel, and half a packet of taco seasoning) on Sunday, so I used a piece of iceberg lettuce, spread some mashed avocado on it, added the shredded crockpot chicken, and topped it with reduced fat Mexican cheese blend. It was so good and a great low carb taco idea!


Ok, so there is my recap. Here comes my sorry excuse for the photo challenge:

February Photo Challenge (from
February 5: What I'm Eating
So last week, my lunches were crockpot BBQ chicken with a side of blueberries:

February 6: Favorite Pasttime
Well, usually my favorite Pasttime is anything out doors. But the weather has been pretty sucko this winter so I've taken up my tried and true DVR. Don't judge, love is complicated.

February 7: Plank
Friday I was having a pity party because I was so exhausted and overwhelmed by everything going on in my life right now that when I got off work, I skipped the gym and went straight to my parent's house to lay on the couch and watch the, no plank. But look at this nice lady who is not me planking:

Also, when I googled plank, this image also came up and I just couldn't resist sharing it. You're welcome.

February 8: My favorite body part/feature 
This was easy. I happen to love my hair! I chopped it off just before the new year, but want to grow it back out already.

February 9: Quote
I love Jillian Michaels so anything she says is quote worthy to me, haha. I really like this one though because it emphasizes that making a change in your life, starts out with a mental decision :

February 10: View from my window
Right now it is dark outside so my view is black...but during the day it's of some trees and a parking lot. So instead of that, here is a view of some beautiful blue sky as seen from my balcony a few weeks ago when it was a rare day I could spend some time out there.

So that's that. I'm going to pass out on my stomach now so the heat really sinks into my ab muscles and I will be able to stand up straight tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Curse you, devil sit-ups.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Stress Relief

Today has been a LONG and stressful day. I was crazy busy at work because of all the snow days that we had, so it's catch up city. I also have been dealing with a bunch of stuff for the FOUR weddings that I am in this year so everything is falling at the same time (dress purchases, gifts, bachelorette parties, bridal showers, fittings, plane ticket, hotels). Did I mention I was stressed? Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and think they deserve the best, but OMG could they have staggered the dates a little?! So, I've been budgeting, booking, shopping and planning and on top of all that, my coworker is going to be on maternity leave during all of this so I have been taking on tasks for all the spring and summer events. Basically, my life is not my own until October 2014. Yay. 

So, usually when I am feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted like this I eat my weight in carbs. But today I literally couldn't wait to get to the gym. I pedaled my heart out on the rolling hills of a stationary bike and it felt great. Then I ate chicken and broccoli for dinner. I actually love broccoli but I'm usually to lazy to cook it. But I was motivated today. Maybe I should get stressed out more often haha (that's a joke and I hope the universe doesn't take it as a challenge!). The point is, I am hoping that my mind set is changing to automatically view exercise and healthy eating when I need a release. I sure feel better right now than I would have if I came home, sat on the couch, and ate an entire bag of Lays Sour Cream and Onion chips. 

So Internet peeps, if I can do it, you can do it!

On to The Fit Train's photo challenge (
February 4: Workout Shoes
I absolutely LOVE fitness clothes. They are so cute nowadays. I have several pairs of shoes. My really old ones (that I couldn't find to take a picture of) that I use for color runs and will use for my first mud run this year that I'm super excited about. Then I have my cross training and strength training shoes: 

They are grey and neon coral Nikes. They are super cute but give me blisters when I run. Then (lastly) I have a neon green pair of Saucony's that I use for running. They are specific for me because I ten to run on the inside of my feet so they are supposed to stabilize my stride (or something like that...that's what the guy from the running store said anyways):

A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes, amiright?

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Photo Challenge

So, I made it through the polar vortex, and most of the snow has melted (thank god!). Now it's cold and rainy. Funny, I don't remember moving to Seattle - but here I am in precipitation hell. 

In spite of the gloomy weather. I have been able to get some good workouts in and meal prep for the week. Saturday I hit the gym for nearly an hour and a half and it felt AMAZING. I did the stationary bike for about 30 minutes and then did my knee strengthening exercises which takes 30 minutes. To wrap it up, I hopped on the treadmill to walk it out! The effort burned just under 800 calories according to my heart rate monitor. BOOM BABY!

Also, I love it when the gym is empty! It gives me room to spread out. If you are like me and have no life, I recommend hitting the gym late afternoon on a Saturday! 

Because I am new at blogging I figured I needed to find a way to think of topics to write about. While I was perusing the latest posts of some of the blogs I follow, the February Photo Challenge on caught my attention. So I am giving it a try to see if I can keep up with it. Clearly I didn't blog Saturday or Sunday (FAIL), but I did take pics so I will back track a little.

February 1: A photo of me today.
So, there I am on Saturday about to go grocery shopping. I'm not completely unhappy with my body. I've always been thin, but not necessarily fit. So my journey is to be healthy and toned. And this is how I'm starting out.

February 2: A photo of my gym or workout area.
I work out at the gym most of the time, but when I don't feel like being around people (the struggles of an introvert on occasion I guess) I have a nice little area set up in my living room for working out.

February 3 (today): Sweat.
Now the plan was to go to the gym, but it was cold and rainy so I went straight home after work. But because I needed a picture of sweat for my photo challenge, I knew I had to do some sort of workout. I chose a yoga video from a website called It has tons of free yoga videos ranging in type, length and practice level. I did a beginner video and the lady was explaining the poses while we held them and I only made it half way through before my muscles were completely fatigued (they are still shaking a little right now!). In my picture you can't see sweat because all of was pooling in my hands haha. Also, I was obviously ready for a nap.

So tomorrow has to do with style (one of my favorite parts of working out is cute fitness clothes!). I actually found a shirt on etsy that said "will squat for peanut butter." If you knew me you would understand how perfect it is since I eat pb every day. It's so yummy! 

Anyways, off to bed so I can attempt to make it to work on time tomorrow morning!